January 25, 2008 to December 03,
Friday, January 25, 2008 3:08 AM
Subject: Alsadiq Siddiq Adam Abdullah - kidnapped - UAE
"Nicholas Febrer"
Response ID250120080308
Dear sirs,
I wish to update you about a
disappearance/kidnapping in the UAE.
I am a UK human rights lawyer that
represents the victim and his
In short, a young British resident (Alsadiq)
/Sudanese national has been
kidnapped in UAE. The evidence
suggests to us (see also amnesty
international’s urgent alert below)
that elements of the state in UAE
are involved. Background info: The
Attorney General and the Minister of
Interior in Abu Dhabi have confirmed
the following ...View Full Text at:
Kidnapping In The UAE |
Friday, January 11, 2008 3:21 AM
Subject: UAE Prisons
"Mona Al-Ghussein Bauwens"
Response ID110120080321
I came across your site while
researching abuses of Human rights
in Abu Dhabi as my family was
subjected to the most horrific
violations. I would be most
interested in learning how we can
put our case on your site. In brief
my father was abducted from Abu
Dhabi with the help of Abu Dhabi
officials. The case was subject to
the UN human rights on arbitrary
detention whereby they determined
that my father case was in Category
1 ‘where there was manifestly no
legal justification’ for his
imprisonment or abduction.
I am
copying in Janis Hetherington who
was the leading human rights
campaigner involved in securing my
father's release, as she would like
to communicate with you. Incidentally
a documentary was made by an Indian
company on my father. At present Al
Jazeera English is also making a
documentary on his case.
Mona Al-Ghussein Bauwens
Link To:
The real story behind the abduction
of Jaweed Al-Ghussein
summary of events of the abduction
from Abu Dhabi
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 2:37 AM
Subject: Prisoner by the name of Vinayak Pundalik Desai
Name: "Riyaz Ibrahim Memon"
Response ID090120080237
Country: Indian
Dear Sir,
Mr. Vinayak Pundalik Desai, aged 72
years, Indian Citizen, By education
a Graduate and a Lawyer has been
serving a sentence of 20 years since
1997 and is currently lodged at your
Central Prison. I would like to know
if you have any kind of circular
that gives amnesty to prisoners of
old age. This man is my friends
father and he would really like to
be united with his father, before he
passes away. It has already been 10
years which is a very long period.
Seeking your help to get father and
son united.
Riyaz Memon |
Monday, January 07, 2008 7:52 AM
Subject: UAE prison, help!
Name: "Dioji Ikeda"
Response ID070720080752
Ola My name is Dioji Ikeda, I am
Brazilian lawyer, I come through
this and mail, requesting help
because my brother and three
friends, are being target of an
unfair condemnation in the UAE,
where they were convicted
without any evidence, contrary
devices international treaties,
respect for human right. I have
to report that my sister Kiyoshi
Ikeda, friends Jonatam Souza
Rodrigues Moreira, and David
Shibuya, were the UAE, to buy
tires, while my brother and
owner of a company for the sale
of tires here in Brazil, and
were by surprise when a
Paquistanes was arrested accused
of theft of cars in UAE, and
accused my brother and his
friends, reason why the
prisoners are. This and a great
injustice, an affront to human
I support,
Dioji Ikeda
Link To:
The big truth on UAE - United
Arab Emirates and 'Fly Emirates'
Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:41 PM
Name: "Christine
Response ID291220071041
Please help!
My husband (Kiyoshi Ikeda) was
arrested in Abu Dhabi, he is in
the Al Wathba. He has been
sentenced for five years.
In the trial there was no
interpreter. We live in Brazil
and our language is Portuguese.
There is no evidence that he
committed any crime. A lawyer is
taking care of the case. He
appealed and asked for a new
My husband is arrested
now is five months and until now
nothing has been done. There are
other cases of people who are
arrested without evidence there too. I fear that he is no
oversight of the police from
there. Several people are
forgotten inside. My husband
told me that he was tortured the
first twenty days which came
inside. This causes me very
afraid! So I come here to seek
help from you! I read about the
site, and you realized that you
can help me! Counting on the
help of all.
Monday, December 03, 2007 11:24 PM
Subject: Legal Cell, Human Rights
Name: "Christopher Pedregal "
Response ID031220071124
To whom is may concern,
My name is Christopher Pedregal. I'm
a writer at the graduate program in
journalism at Stanford University.
I'm writing an article about the
legal system in the UAE and how it
treats foreigners. I came across the
website UAEprison.com and
was impressed.
I think the message
of the site is important and more
people should be aware of these
issues. I would like to interview
someone about the site to include in
my article. Please let me know whom
I should contact and how I
should reach them.
Thank you very much,
Christopher Pedregal |
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