I do not believe this story. It is indeed true that there are people in UAE jails waiting for their trails for many years because their cases have been transferred to the Amiri Court (Rulers Court). In case of Mr. George Titus, UAE Exchange ex-partner, I want to make a point here that the Managing Director of that firm is a well known NRI, who has strong hold in the administration of the emirate of Abu Dhabi. He is a well-known Philanthropist and cultural ambassador, who can be seen in many important functions in Kerala, and I recommend Mrs. Titus meet him in his next visit to Surya Festivals at Trivandrum. On the other hand, I have met this Aziz from Tamil Nadu, who was a inmate at a special cell in Mudria (Police Head Quarters). This was in 1988 and his cell had all luxuries at that time, a video and VCR. Police used to take him for a car ride through the city during nights also. His rich sponsor provided his family with financial support for accepting the responsibility of the crime and you can see similar cases in India too. We are in UAE to earn a living and uphold the law and order of this country and those who violate it will face the consequences. UAE is one of the safest countries on earth for living and earning.
- Mohamed Kassim, Cochin, India (January 7, 2004)
This is a matter of shame for all the Indians. No individual should be treated this way. Why don't we stand for our rights. Where is our self diginity?
- asit, Washington DC, US (September 24, 2003)
If this is true, nothing is worse then this. The Indian government shall not help UAE in making another Kala Pani.
- Rakesh, Edison, USA (September 24, 2003)
Don't blame UAE, India is to be blamed. Shame on India. India is a big and powerful country as compared to UAE, but can't protect the rights of its citizens. The problem lies with the Gandhinian culture. It is the culture of non-violence coupled with corruption, and it has made the country weak, internally and externally.
- Sam Misra, USA (September 24, 2003)
I am very surprised that what ever the motives are of the USA, India should support the USA militarily to bring about great changes to the Middle East. These Arab countries definitely need big changes and that can be brought only by force.
- JSA, USA (September 24, 2003)
It is matter of great shame for country like UAE. They should do justice to all the undertrails and prisoners.
- Kanta, Kanpur, India (September 24, 2003)

The word 'Muslim' has been derived from 'Momin', meaning a kind hearted person. UAE should do justice to these detainees. It is a matter of great concern for Indian Government. They have to take strong and immediate action in this regard.
- Kanwaljit Singh, Delhi, India (September 24, 2003)
I think it’s time that the Indian government should act. We as NRIs have been introducing good investment into our country and this is how they treat us.
- Sohan, Melbourne, Australia (September 24, 2003)
I cannot believe that something like this is happening in the UAE. I had been living in Dubai for the past 12 years and just arrived in Auckland in July. For all this time, I have been praising the UAE for its great environment. I have been telling my friends what a great place it is and how it is so diferent from other Islamic countries. After reading all these schoking revelations, I have to tell my friends that the UAE isn't that much of a great place after all.
Froilan, Auckland, New Zealand (September 24, 2003)
It's really disheartening to read about such incidents. I feel that UAE is the world's most hypocrite country. Its a place where only Muslims, specifically the Arabs, are safe. It is a hell for people of non-Arab origin. The police and the government authorities are dumb and arrogant, who would do anything to protect an Arab and torture an Indian. Racial discrimination and human rights voilation is a common feature which needs to be dealt with. Where are the UN commissions or the human right activists? Our Govt. is not taking any actions against a small country like UAE? India is a big country with good bargaining power. Why do we fear UAE? Why don't people at Indian Embassies do anything about their fellow countrymen rotting in the jails?
- Simar, Toronto, Canada (September 24, 2003)
Had all these detainees been US citizens they would have been out by now. The Government can raise this issue with UN also, but it cares a damn about such issues. If our Govt. can't protect it's own people, then it doesn't have any right to stay in power.
- Anil, USA (September 24, 2003)
Shame on the Indian Government, that they don't care for the Indians being illtreated in the Abu Dhabi jails. Indian Government likes money pouring from the Middle East, but do not want to free the Indians who are wrongly detained in the UAE. It is sad the no body's blood is boiling .
- Sashi, Los Angeles, USA (September 24, 2003)
Why don't we retaliate by throwing some Arabs in jail?
- Gopal Dar, Stockholm, Sweden (September 24, 2003)
All these practises are too common in the Gulf countries. The Indian Government and Indian missions abroad should take this seriously. Till then the Indian government is losing three times the amount that is presently repatriated by Indian workers in the Gulf. I myself lost close to 7 crores in the Gulf. All the prison stunts were tried but luckily I escaped them.
- Paul (September 24, 2003)
It is a sorry tale and the revelation is startling.
- Anil G, Kochi, India (September 24, 2003)
Every sane person on this planet knows that Middle East is by far the most pathetic chunk of this planet where innocents die on a daily basis. It seems like their government is making serious profits by imposing such conditions on poor people. I feel that the west should start a cleaning rampage against these non human raggers after Iraq.
- Rusty, USA (September 23, 2003)