Responses |
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:58 PM
Subject: Legal cell, Human
Name: "Freddie Hiller"
Response ID070720090458
Country: Britain
I wonder if you are able to highlight our daughter's (Roxanne Hillier)
plight in an effort to get the petition signatures up please? This
will help us to request the President of South Africa to make an
effort to free our daughter who has been innocently sent to prison in
the UAE.
To View full text Free Roxanne Hillier from prison in the UAE
"Freddie Hillier"
The daughter of a British engineer, Roxanne Hillier was arrested on May 16 after police broke into a dive centre where she worked. Ms Hillier was asleep in a room above the dive store, while her boss, an Emirati who was downstairs at the time. Medical tests has been proved no sexual contact had taken place. Miss Hillier is serving a three-month sentence, her boss was set free.
"The Editor "
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:54 PM
Subject: Join Us
Name: "Sonne"
Response ID180620091254
Country: Germany
I had a very unpleasant experience last week. I live in Dubai since 5 years and come originally from Germany
In 2005 I have opened a company LLC in Dubai with a friend of mine being my locals sponsor.
In 2006 I decided to exchange my sponsor against another one, taking another real local sponsor and partner.
He has promised me the moon but nothing ever happened.
(Full Text:
Unbelievable Experiences)
Sonne26 |
Sent: Friday, June 05,2009 12:30 AM
Subject: Request for advise
Name: "Mike Gorden"
Response ID050620091230
I found your website whilst searching the internet to find an organization that could provide help a Filipina housemaid that lives in our apartment block who is the victim of frequent physical abuse and doesn't know who to turn to for help.
We have contacted the Philippine Embassy and they seem unwilling to intervene unless she runs away and tries to seek sanctuary there, however she is unable to leave the apartment. Our confidence in the local authorities to assist is also lacking.
Consequently, I would highly appreciate any guidance you can provide as to who we can contact to get her some assistance. Is there a human rights watch or other body operating in the UAE? If so can you provide contact details? I sincerely hope you are able to provide some guidance.
M P Gordon |
Thursday, May 07,
2009 11:53 PM
Subject: Please help with information / guidance
Name: "Andrea Taube"
Response ID050520091153
I have a sister in Umm al-Quwain who has been imprisoned for more than a month without notification for her family, until recently. She has health issues and her family in the Philippines are very worried. We don't know what's going on with her. Her employer wants 8k dirhams but won't meet our conditions.
What can we do? So far, we have contacted the Philippine consulates in both UAE and Philippines. What else can we do to bring her back to her country?
They detained her because of a "love case". Please help.
Thank you.
Andrea Taube, sister
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