UAE Port Deal
(Images & Links)

The deal raises concerns because DP
World, a UAE maritime company is owned by the United Arab Emirates, a
nation that has had questionable ties to terrorists in the past.
Port Deal (Picture
Every morning, from
dawn till about noon, cargo and passenger flights to Iraq and
Afghanistan make Dubai airport’s Terminal Two possibly the busiest
commercial terminal in the world for the "global war of terrorism.".
Ports of Profit

The twin
towers, site of the deadliest terrorist attack in American
history. On September 11, 2001, groups of attackers
deliberately flew two commercial airliners into the towers,
the first striking the north tower at 8:46 AM (local time) and
the second hitting the south tower at 9:03. Badly damaged and
engulfed in flames, the weakened south tower collapsed at
9:59; the north tower fell about a half hour later. Debris
from the towers also destroyed or damaged other buildings in
and around the complex.
Report: 9/11Commission, Money Laundering |

The chapter on
BCCI banking scandal describes in detail the heinous crimes UAE
did for every major terrorist service in the world. One of the top
shareholders of Dubai Ports World, UAE President and Emir of Abu
Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, is the son of the person behind
Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI).
The BCCI banking scandal |
Free Trade Pacts Without Reform
The United States and the
European Union should not sign
free trade deals with the UAE
until it ends its mistreatment
of foreign workers.
One of the world’s largest
construction booms is feeding
off of workers in Dubai, but
they’re treated as less than
human. It’s no surprise that
some workers have started
rioting in protest. What’s
surprising is that the
government of the UAE is doing
nothing to solve the problem.
Middle East and North
Africa director at Human Rights
Watch (HRW)
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