Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Fighting Sheikh Zayed's Funding of Islamic Studies at Harvard -
Divinity School: A Case Study by Jonathan Jaffit
No 5, 17 November 2005, 15 Cheshvan 5766 |
in Effect, if Not Intent"
Harvard, one of the world's most
prestigious universities, found itself
in a pivotal position in the fight to
influence public opinion on campus
toward the state of Israel. In May 2002,
several Harvard faculty members and
students began a campaign to divest
Harvard endowment funds from Israeli
companies and from certain firms that do
business with Israel. This drew a strong
reaction from the university's
president, Lawrence H. Summers, who
called the endeavor "anti-Semitic in
effect, if not intent."3 Although the
campaign ultimately faltered, the sharp
comments by Summers, a Jew, further
inflamed the controversy.
With the effects of this anti-Israeli
activity reverberating through the
campus, students at the Harvard graduate
schools created a group to facilitate
pro-Israeli communication between the
schools called HUGFI (Harvard University
Graduate-Students Friends of Israel).
When faced with the Sheikh Zayed
donation to the Divinity School,
graduate student Rachel Fish, a founding
member of HUGFI, utilized this group to
increase awareness of the issue on
Exacerbating the situation was the
autonomous nature of the graduate
schools, which made each one responsible
for its own funding. Although the
Harvard Divinity School (HDS) is the
oldest Harvard graduate school, it has
the smallest endowment of any Harvard
institution thus making the $2.5 million
donation a substantial contribution.
Sheikh Zayed
bin Sultan al Nahyan (1918-2004)
Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan became
the dictatorial ruler of the emirate of
Abu Dhabi in 1966 when he succeeded his
brother who was deposed in a bloodless
palace coup. He was subsequently elected
president of the newly formed United
Arab Emirates (UAE) in 1971 by the six
other ruling Sheikhs who sit with him on
the UAE Supreme Council.4 During his
thirty-three-year rule of the UAE,
Sheikh Zayed was condemned countless
times by human rights organizations such
as Amnesty International for abuses such
as corporal punishment of prisoners5 and
conducting a slave ring of Bangladeshi
children whom he would have kidnapped,
starved, and then force to compete as
jockeys in the country's popular camel
As absolute ruler of the country, the
wealth from controlling its oil supply
had placed Sheikh Zayed among the
world's ten richest men with an
estimated personal fortune of $23
billion.7 The Sheikh created a think
tank called the Zayed Center of
Coordination and Follow-up. Based in Abu
Dhabi, the Zayed Center was headed by
the deputy prime minister, Sheikh
Zayed's son. It was established in 1999
as the official think tank of the Arab
League, an association of twenty-two
Arab nations, and it represented,
according to its website, "the
fulfillment of the vision of the
President of U.A.E. His Highness, Sheikh
Zayed Bin Sultan al-Nahyan."
Since its inception, the Zayed Center
has promoted Holocaust denial,
anti-Semitism, anti-American conspiracy
theories, as well as hate speech in its
lectures, symposia, and publications.
The Los Angeles Times quoted the
Center's director as saying: "Jews are
the enemies of all nations."
On 9 April 2003, the Zayed Center hosted
Dr. Umayma Jalahma, an Islamic- studies
professor at King Faysal University in
Saudi Arabia. Briefing the Center on the
U.S. war in Iraq, she asserted that it
was specifically timed to coincide with
the Jewish holiday of Purim, "which
symbolizes the Jewish victory of Haman
in Babylon."9
On 11 March 2003, the Zayed Center gave
a platform to Michael Collins Piper, a
political author and writer for the
American Free Press. His speech was
laced with references to "Jewish
control" of the U.S. government and
media. Piper also said that The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion was "not
a theory but a real fact."
On 6 April 2003, Saleh al Qallab, a
former Jordanian information minister,
spoke at the Zayed Center and claimed
that influential "rabbis" in the
Washington administration sought to
"reshape the world" through U.S.
military intervention.
Furthermore, in 1998, Zayed's wife
donated $50,000 to the defense of
Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy in a
French court. In his book, The Founding
Myths of Modern Israel, Garaudy
maintained that there was no Nazi
program of genocide during World War II
and that Jews had fabricated the

Rachel Fish's
The controversy over the Zayed endowment
began in December 2002 when Rachel Fish,
then a graduate student at HDS,
organized a panel to discuss the rise of
global anti-Semitism. She initiated this
meeting because she was frustrated with
the growing trend of whitewashing
questions about anti-Semitism in
religion classes by students and HDS
Among the speakers was Dr. Charles
Jacobs, cofounder of the American
Anti-Slavery Group and president of the
David Project, an organization that
educates students and the Jewish
community at large about Israel. At the
panel, Jacobs informed the audience that
the "Harvard Divinity School [had]
accepted funds from the president of UAE
who was promoting anti-Americanism and
anti-Semitism." After the panel had
concluded, Fish asked Jacobs for more
information regarding who it was that
gave the money. "This is all I know," he
replied. Fish then began investigating
the details of the endowment.
Fish researched the matter from December
2002 to March 2003. In early March,
Fish, accompanied by two other HDS
students, met with William A. Graham,
dean of HDS. They presented him with a
seventy-page indicting dossier that Fish
had compiled on the Sheikh and requested
that the administration seek funding for
this important position from credible
sources that did not promote hatred of
Perhaps the most troubling piece of
information presented by Fish and the
other students was the endowment's
"Terms of Agreement." When they
questioned Dean Graham as to his
knowledge of these terms, he stated that
he did not know of their existence or if
they were accurate. Fish immediately
gave him a copy of the terms. Several
aspects troubled her, most of all the
lines about the appointment of a
"liaison officer." This position would
"advise the U.A.E. on procedures
relating to application and admission to
the University" as well as "encourage
relations in other areas of research and
development."14 The first part seemed to
provide the Sheikh with inappropriate
knowledge of who was entering the
Furthermore, it seemed that "relations
in other areas of research" might
include academic exchanges with the
Zayed Center as it was the primary think
tank in the region.
Dean Graham, who in September 2000
hailed the donation as "a most welcome
gift,"15 assured the students that he
would have an independent researcher
look into the matter and that he would
respond to them in four to six weeks.
"It should be noted," wrote Fish, "that
Mr. Graham has not been afraid to take a
public stand on Harvard's ties to the
Middle East - last year he signed a
petition calling for the university to
disinvest from Israel."16 Immediately
after her confrontation with Dean
Graham, Fish proceeded to President
Summers's office and gave his assistant
the same material.
Subsequently, Fish began to raise
awareness among Jewish and non-Jewish
students, faculty, and alumni. She
founded the Students for an Ethical
Divinity School and created a website
titled "Morality Not Money" to track the
efforts to freeze Zayed's donation and
to expose the Zayed Center. The site was
created with the aid of the David
Project, Dr. Charles Jacobs'
Eight weeks later, having received no
response from Dean Graham and serving
his office with due warning, Fish gave
her first press interview on the subject
to the Boston Globe. From March to the
end of July 2004, she worked to raise
awareness of the donation by writing
letters to newspapers, giving numerous
media interviews, and sharing her
research with the general community.
In the early stages of the issue's
development, Dean Graham responded to
concerned individuals who had learned of
the matter from Fish by simply stating
that the "UAE is the most moderate voice
in Middle East." When contacted by the
JCPA in 2005 to comment on what had
transpired on his campus, Dean Graham
refused to give a statement, referring
this author to Harvard's official
response website. There it was stated
that HDS was "pleased to announce that
we are going forward with this important
appointment in Islamic religious
studies, so that we can advance our
mission at HDS to provide teaching and
scholarship about the world's religions
with the greater aim of promoting
understanding and dialogue among them."
Given Harvard's lack of action, Fish
weighed whether she would accept her
diploma from the university despite her
two years of hard work. After much
consideration, she decided to attend her
graduation and use it as a means to send
a clear message to the administration.
With the help of the David Project, Fish
recruited students from the local Jewish
high schools to hand out hundreds of
flyers in Harvard Yard on graduation day
so that everyone attending the ceremony
would be aware of the situation at HDS.
In a bold public statement, Fish
accepted her diploma from Dean Graham
with one hand and with the other gave
him a 130-page indictment of documented
evidence against Sheikh Zayed, an open
letter asking him to publicly denounce
anti-Semitism in the Arab world, and a
petition with 1,500 signatures
expressing concern to the Harvard
administration. Immediately after
graduation, Fish presented the same
material to President Summers's office
and during the next year and a half
continued to raise awareness of the
Zayed endowment.

One important aspect of this story was
the reaction of members of the campus
community to the Sheikh's donation.
Aside from the various students and
teachers who were brave enough to sign
Fish's petition, few people actually
gave her any material support for her
Fish sought support from the Muslim
student population at HDS, many of whom
she knew from her classes. Approaching
them, she informed them of the problems
with the donation, clarifying that she
strongly favored creating an
Islamic-studies chair but felt the
funding for it must come from reputable
Although many of the Muslim students
agreed with Fish that the money was from
a tainted source, they virtually
unanimously favored accepting the
donation as they felt establishing the
position was desperately necessary. "We
can do good things with bad money," they
said according to Fish, to which she
responded that it is a prestigious honor
to be associated with Harvard, and at a
place such as HDS one cannot separate
the means from the ends. Some Muslim
students even claimed that the hate
propaganda disseminated by the Zayed
Center was "just words over there [in
the UAE]," to which Fish responded that,
as a Jew, she knew that words have
The response from the Jewish student
body at Harvard was also disappointing.
Although many expressed support for
Fish's cause, no one would assist with
her research or advocacy campaign. The
vast majority of the students felt they
were too busy preparing for final exams,
graduation, and postgraduate positions
to get involved with the issue. Even
HUGFI, which Fish notified of this
situation, did little groundwork to
further the cause.
Hillel, the Jewish students'
association, said they did not deal with
confrontation and, at best, they offered
Fish an opportunity to bring in a
speaker. When the Hillel administration
told Fish that it was an apolitical
organization, she replied that she had
not known Holocaust denial was
political. Although Hillel did become
more involved behind the scenes after
Fish's graduation, the apathetic
response of the Harvard Jewish students
led her to realize that cases similar to
the Zayed endowment must be occurring on
other campuses across America.
The HDS faculty was generally unhelpful
to Fish's cause. The sympathetic faculty
members whom Fish approached were
usually afraid to take a vocal stance.
Tenured professors who agreed with her
refused to condemn the donation publicly
for fear of professional risk.
Nontenured faculty members were all the
more timorous. Although one senior
faculty member wrote privately to
President Summers, and some nontenured
ones privately expressed agreement with
the petition, there was a general
reluctance to go public.
Although it appeared that no one would
assist Fish in her endeavor, one
professor, Jon Levenson, came to her aid
in the spring of 2003. Levenson, whose
field is Jewish studies, was one of the
academics who initially suggested that
Jacobs speak at Fish's panel on
anti-Semitism, but had been unaware of
the Zayed donation at the time. He
informed the associate dean for
development and then the dean of HDS
about the situation. In March 2003, he
brought the issue to the entire
faculty's attention at a discussion
after a presentation about the then
impending search for a chair in Islamic
religious studies.
Levenson addressed the issue again at
the HDS faculty retreat that spring. He
continued assisting in a consultative
capacity, discussing the issue with
people involved and also addressing a
meeting of interested faculty at Harvard
Hillel in June 2003. Levenson was also
interviewed by several newspapers that
Levenson said generally that he heard
both defenses of the Sheikh and attacks
on Fish from the faculty. Those who
defended the Sheikh mostly claimed that
he had no connection with the Center.
They also asserted that the chair was
not named after him but after his
grandfather, who, given the custom of
papponomy, had the same name. In one
instance, when Levenson pointed out that
the Sheikh's wife had funded a French
Holocaust denier, one feminist professor
sardonically asked, "Which wife?"
Others also came to the defense of
Sheikh Zayed and the Zayed Center. James
Zogby, founder and president of the Arab
American Institute, generated a negative
campaign against Fish's efforts.
Abdullah Saboosi, a spokesman at the
UAE's embassy in Washington, claimed
Zayed had nothing to do with the Center.
"It's like Reagan National Airport. What
does it have to do with the late
President Reagan, God rest his soul?"19

The Closure of
the Zayed Center
In August 2003 the UAE announced its
decision to close the Zayed Center,
citing activities by the Center that
"starkly contradicted the principles of
interfaith tolerance."20 Harvard, in
turn, announced that it would put the
funds on hold during the current
academic year and would then assess
whether circumstances enabled fulfilling
the gift as originally intended. HDS,
meanwhile, affirmed its intention to
pursue an appointment in Islamic
studies, funded by other means.
Under intense media pressure, Sheikh
Zayed decided to save face. Realizing
that Harvard would likely return the
donation, after eleven months of the
endowment's suspension, he requested the
funds be sent back.
On 26 July 2004, HDS issued an official
statement on its decision regarding
Sheikh Zayed's donation:
Recently, representatives of the U.A.E.
informed Harvard of the donor's desire
to withdraw the gift for the Zayed
Professorship, in advance of the
University's scheduled consideration of
the matter later this summer. Harvard
has agreed to honor this request and to
return the funds. Harvard remains
strongly committed to advancing the
understanding of Islam, and the Divinity
School is actively pursuing two faculty
appointments, one senior, and one
junior, in this important field.
Thus, this particular controversy
regarding hate speech ended. Fish, in a
widely published article, wrote: "It's
sad and a little frightening to
experience the indifference toward
Jewish concerns and Jewish students that
so many Harvard professors…exhibited.
Equally frustrating and disappointing is
to see the reluctance of some Jewish
professors and students to speak out
against the institutional insensitivity
of the Harvard divinity school."22
Overall, Fish said she was pleased with
the outcome of her efforts, having
fulfilled both her goals of increasing
awareness and stopping Harvard from
accepting the donation.
Columbia University, however, has
decided to keep an estimated $200,000
donation from the UAE toward the
creation of the Edward Said Chair of
Middle East Studies, in which the former
PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi now sits.
23 Furthermore, Fish mentioned that
there are rumors that the money returned
by Harvard may have been transferred to
another, undisclosed American
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)