Sent: Sunday,
August 06, 2006 1:27 PM
Subject: Letter of thanks for support of your website
Name: Sandie Watson ( COR )
Country: Dubai, UAE
Dear Sirs,
My name is Sandie Watson, I am listed as a victim of injustice on your
I wish to thank all the people including your site, my embassy my
national government and my lawyers for fighting the loosing battle of my
case which was eventually abolished, as my file and case had been so
corrupted by officials, my father especially for the sleepless days and
nights he spent fighting for my truth, and the extent he went to in
order to rectify the evil which was set against me.
Still with me is my whole case file locked under key of all the
injustice and discrimination and corruption which was put against me for
a price. I haven't even looked at it since. But can you believe I am
still here, I am still in the UAE, holding my head up and living my life
as if that time did not even happen, can you believe I learned to smile
again, yes after a lot of treatment - psycho therapy, behavior therapy,
I m ashamed to even say so, hypo therapy and a whole load of drugs to
block and fix my thinking.
I am 2 years on and I am now a better person, although I suffered
greatly and I will never have understanding or forgiveness for this
country and the police and court professionals for what they did to me,
I can say in myself I have learned a great deal about truth, about who I
am, and how it was not my fault, I am not a victim, I am a survivor and
it took me a long time to realize this, I learned about how to deal with
certain people and issues different cultures and rights, I can also say
that as a woman here in this country at that time - there is no word to
be listened to with out screaming in pain - no amount of evidence, no
amount of sadness or grief for what was suffered can be believed with
out a price.
We were people who believed in justice and believed in the system and
this I feel sad for, I feel pity and deep sadness for anyone else who
will suffer injustice - who will never actually find peace in the
solution to there case's -
Every day I look at the people in the streets seeing deeply some times
to deeply - and in all fairness, I blame there own country's for the
invitation to travel or to work in a country of gold and oil, which is
classed as the most secure safe country of all, LIES all lies........
please I beg for the embassy's to actually tell the travelers and expats
what kind of country they are actually allowing there people to travel
to, tell them the difference of the law, tell them the difference in
human rights, tell them the truth....of the legal working and disgust
that lies behind police and court walls, and tell them they are nothing
Thank you to all the people who supported me - and god bless you all and
just to remember that bad things do eventually come to an end, but don't
loose your soul in the process and hold your truth close to your heart,
people can take your truth but I don't want to sound to religious or
over boring, but what goes around comes around and god knows everything
Yours faithfully
Sandie Watson
Story - Full Text)